Please print this form out, complete it and send with your cheque if applicable to ...
Supporters' Club, NHSR
21a Gawdy Close
Harleston IP20 9ET

My name is .............................................................................
My address is ..........................................................................
........................................................... Post code ...................
These two lines are for your telephone number and, if possible,
an email address. We would prefer to send out the Newsletter
by email if we can, because postage now costs so much.
Please tick as appropriate ...
..... I am ....... years old and I want to be a Junior Member. I enclose a cheque for £15 made payable to “NHSR Ltd.”
..... I want to be a Friend of Hunslet 3193 and enclose a cheque for £30 made payable to “NHSR Ltd.”
..... I want to be a Full Member. Please post me a Standing Order form.
..... I wish to discuss becoming a Sponsor. Please contact me.
The Directors of NHSR Ltd. reserve the right to refuse or terminate membership of the Supporters' Club for any reason that in their opinion will benefit the company or the Club.